Fiercely Together – One Mother’s Reflection

I am not the most tender mother, the most selfless mother, or the most empathetic mother. What I am is fierce. I am fiercely committed to the unfolding of my children’s potential. I am fiercely committed to creating a loving home from which they can emerge into the world. I am fiercely committed to ensuring each of my children knows their unquestionable worth.

My own mother was the same: fiercely loving.

For me, the nurturing, expansive journey of investing in children spans great swaths of work, careers, and family.

Now, my oldest is closer to 30 than twenty and my youngest is rounding the corner into adolescence. I have a long mommy journey of my own.

Yet, what is most notable to me is the transformation of my fierce mothering into being unafraid of doing hard things. Of course, motherhood isn’t the only way one can learn how to do hard things. It’s only one path of grit and grace; one that was mine.

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”
~Helen Keller

Doing hard things is a bit of what I’m about. One day a couple of decades ago, I knew I could serve children in sub-Saharan Africa who needed a chance. So, I started a charity. Before that, I knew I could offer something to a school of students, parents, and educators, so I endeavored to bring everyone together at the Table of Learning. And now, I know I can be a small part of cultivating a thriving community by serving children, youth, and families with developmental support needs. It’s a brand-new adventure.

As I look back though, what is notable, I never did it alone. Even as a single mom, I had support and community. In my varied experiences, teams of supportive and generous people pulled together in organizations to do profoundly powerful work.

This is the Table of Community. Doing hard things together for the sake of the children!

Fiercely together. With grit and grace. Imperfect, yet dedicated. Incredible teamwork. For our community’s future: the children.

Let’s go together!