One Question for 2015!

Over the course of the month of December, I begin to realize the calendar year is coming to a close and I become rather contemplative around the transition.  

I love to reflect on the year, plucking the highlights from the branches and enjoying the flavour of gratitude. Often this harvest points me to big ideas for the future.

So, I plan where to sow the seeds of effort or intention for 2015.

For example, over the past number of years, I’ve chosen a key word as a central theme for the year.  So, I am already playing with a couple of words for 2015.  I love to use little tools I come across to focus my thoughts.  Check out this list-building suggestion here!

Amidst my December meditation, I am wondering, “What would I share with my closest friends over coffee?”  Of course, only if you asked.  I pondered, “What ideas could we share to encourage our hearts, as we sail into the next season?”

As I write….  Literally, as I write it out… 

It is absolutely clear to me, what I’d ask.  It would have to be a moment of tenderness, with the truest sense of community.  I hope we’d have a wonderful drink in our hands and likely hours of conversation behind us.

My heart would beat in the anticipation…

If I could ask you any question that informs and shapes our future,

I’d ask…

“What is your sacred work for 2015?”


For me, the question invites consideration of the most noble pursuits for the year.  

As I recall, our in-person conversation with our dearest friends over this topic, I realized again, “Anything can be sacred!”  The Builder might be building; The Teacher might be teaching; The Yogi might be meditating; The Student might be learning; The Child might be playing.

You may be curious, “What does this question have to do with education, school, and my child’s most recent report cards?”  

Well…that’s tough.  It’s abstract.  

I think our 2015 question sits with an empty bowl and begs us to keep the most important things, most important. It begs us to receive with openness.  It begs us to reflect with wisdom.  

It encourages education from the inside out.

At the heart centre, there is faith that leads to a sense of worthiness.  Beyond that, there are journeys of selfhood and belonging.  When all things harmonize, we become changemakers.  These are truly the most important journeys of a child.  They support all of the education, academics, and achievement of the future.

LearnForward is all about reaching for the heights, growing, and nourishing.   As parents and teachers Learn Forward, our children receive.  Together, we feast.  

These are the most important journeys…my most important journeys.

If I could leave LearnForward with one final thought for 2014, it is a thought of growth and renewal:

What is your sacred work for 2015?

See you in 2015!

For the sake of the children,
