One Simple Message for Every Child

I sat across from a dedicated and experienced educator at a dinner party this weekend.  Over salad and sushi he smiled at our little one, watching her dance through the aisle and lamented, “O! How I miss those days. The days of no worry, only dancing.”  Our almost grown and sophisticated daughters sat far out of reach at the other end of the table.  How can we possibly let go?

It seems we’re always letting go?  We are always needing to think of our children more expansively and trust them more.

We discussed many challenges in education that night.  We all care for children.  So many creative ideas flow from our passion.  But, the most poignant moment, “No worry.”

My heart smiles.  I’m not sure the days of ‘no worry’ truly exist?  We’re teachers. We’re parents.  Our hearts are wrapped around these children, hoping, wishing, and waiting for their growth.  We spend wakeful nights considering their well-being and how to encourage them forward.  We believe so much for them!

The shadows are close.  Our world has threatening darkness.  We want to protect and save them, yet the news is frightening.

This weekend, I thought about my two adult children a ton.  As we watched our little girl dance, the older ones struggle to emerge.  Their weighty exams sit like gargoyles watching over their futures.  The social dynamics feel like webs of complexity sometimes laced with sparkling, dewdrop diamonds and sometimes ensnarling their hearts.  Certainly, we have worry.

I have so much unfinished.  I wish I could have given them more, taught them more, provided more.  I wish I would have been more grown up.

We light the candle of peace.  We trust in the coming growth.  Our faith whispers…

So, I journaled many messages I want them to hear.  I made a list.  I could write a thousand blogs on all my ideas.  But, what matters most?  What makes it simpler?IMG_6171.JPGReally, there is only one message for each child’s heart, one that speaks of faith, worthiness, selfhood, belonging, and changemaking: believe.

I only want them to hear one simple message: I believe.  I believe in you.  I believe in your kind hearts. I believe in your creative minds.  I believe in the Great One who made you.  I believe in the Goodness that holds your heart.  I believe.

Do you?


Each holiday light a single beam of our message of the season:

“My Dear Ones, When your head is bowed, when your heart is heavy, when things seem too rowdy, believe.”

As teachers and parents, let’s give them that message this week!  It can be a smile in the hall, a good morning on the playground, a twinkle in your eye, a sincere compliment of their character.


When children believe, they can envision a life, a purpose, and a world beyond our wildest dreams!  When children believe, peace will reign.

What do you believe in deeply?  At the core of your being?  How can you share the mystery of your belief with the children in your care this week?

For the sake of the children,
