Grace of Great Things

sits at the intersection of what parents and teachers both need to help children thrive: nourishment.  We are bringing up the next generation.  We must be nourished by the learning inherent in our journey. The learning sits at the centre of our table.

This week was a knock-me-down and drag-me-out week.  By the time I got to my therapist’s office, I quickly spiralled into a blubbering mess.  I am grateful for the benefits affording me professional support.   All I could do was hang my head and half-murmur, half-sob “Sorry.

Because with governance and leadership issues to address at the school, a fundraiser on the weekend, a dog who was hit by a car, two sick children requiring very different things, and several trips to consider, I was overflowing with emotion.  The discouraging irony is I’ve been working with my therapist for weeks on self-regulation and I was completely unglued.

It was a dark night of the soul.

I wrote about it last week in The Sacred Work of Parents.table_03_invitation

The prescription: a self-care plan.  One for me; one for The Builder.  We are learning. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][giggle]  We are still learning.

Then last night, at our amazing celebration of literacy for East Africa, a brilliant teacher friend of mine reminded me of a chapter from my  on self-care.

“If you can pace yourself with compassion and self-care, you can sustain the vibrant energy needed to take risks and change the world!” (p 108)

She commented, “Karine teachers are so worn down.  They are over-worked, over-stressed, and carry enormous responsibility each day.”

There is the intersection I embody, teachers and parents require nourishment, self-care, and attention to what matters most: faith, worthiness, selfhood, belonging, and changemaking.

‘Work meaningfully, love deeply, and live artfully” can be our mantra.  It’s my vision statement for life.  It can be yours too!

A great example of living the grace of great things was last night.  Educators and parents, creatives and community came together in a celebration of giving.  We call it the Month of Love!  It was soul-quenching, broken-open joy!

gala crown

gala5 teachers 2We are trying to raise $10k for Niteo Africa‘s 10th literacy centre in Uganda!


From where I’m standing is it what Rilke names, “the grace of great things.”  We are gathered around what is best in humanity: compassion, education, generosity, and goodness.IMG_6609

The gathering was a sacrifice and a triumph!

At the end of a gruelling week and a long month of winter, I am so grateful for the friends, family, and community members who made the end such a wonderful tribute to our new month of love.

The Table of Learning is filled with the nourishment of learning to love.

What will your tribute be to the month of love?  One great idea, $10 sends one box of gently used books to East Africa because every child deserves a book.  You can donate online here.


For the sake of the children,


PS Exclusive inspirational messages from Learn Forward delivered to your smart phone each week, please download our app today.  We designed it to care for you!

